Grin Grin*** Evil Grin.
Long time ago.. I must say.
Why I can't rise/fall in love??
Because men are romantics and women are not!! Men want meaningful relationships based on respect and maturity while women fall for surfacial dirt. women are sceptics. They can't fall in love. The traditional roles have been reversed, to the point that I do not think I am sarcastic when i refer to their demeanor as feminine machoism.In their false theories and concepts, of taking up men's role, they have modified the traditional form without even thinking of it's underlying purpose.
when we say women are romantic, we mean, they like flowers,chocolates and surprises.But is it exactly that.No. Actually what women want is the respect and admiration of a man and they identify the superficial crap as a symbol of that, and the flowers and the choclates do not mean anything at all. They are dead cold. Men really have romantic feelings, while women are cold and more practical.
Women would tell us, not to discuss them with other men, while they themselves discuss us men among themselves to the point of describing the cheques on our shirts. Men never do discuss women, while they are romantically inclined. This way men are weaker, more inclined in believing in symbols rather the reality while women are far more stronger, tougher and practical, more moneyminded and in search for security. They are interested in the underlying reality of the situation while men are trying to live out a fantasy.
Has ever a woman sent a flowers. Never i guess...why?
this might make them angry, but still all they are angry about is the discrimination, they feel they face. It is abstract and they never have complaints against an individual, It is always them, they, the men. I might have objectified them, the women, but am i wrong?