My relationships end with the other person walking out on me. Simple. I am often percieved as a wall. One cannot love a wall, afterall. They like the decor and they like the facade but watching a wall is not that glam. So I often wonder, is it me or is it them? I mean the problem. I always thought that this "emotion" thingie is about time. When I say time, I mean it not only quantitatively but qualitiatively. Time is the most important gift one can give to another and it's is what we are less and less prepared to forego.
And I in all my innocence wanted to give what I held as most precious. And it was the most useless thing for them. They wanted gifts and flowers and the pomp and show. They wanted displays of affection and confirmation of that too. The problem applies across class but the supposedly "money-rich, time-scarce" professionals are worst affected. They hardly ever think about others and then they say that they love. Ahhh.. who would not die for such a love.
And I in all my innocence wanted to give what I held as most precious. And it was the most useless thing for them. They wanted gifts and flowers and the pomp and show. They wanted displays of affection and confirmation of that too. The problem applies across class but the supposedly "money-rich, time-scarce" professionals are worst affected. They hardly ever think about others and then they say that they love. Ahhh.. who would not die for such a love.