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Showing posts from December, 2007


The only way to get some wisdom is to be taken apart, strangled and when you have submitted, long afterwards, would you be able to piece it together.. and then you would be proud of it… or unproud of it… but the act of surrender to the act, complete obeisance to the horror happening… and then accepting it… gives you wisdom… It is in fact a hard earned thing… a thing that is sometimes worth dying for… loving for.. leaving for… but ultimately things have a way of coming round.. in their own way.. unsettling the apple cart that has been so steadily delivering for you all these years and then it overturns and there you die by your cleverness… sometimes it takes you too far and then its too late to return… And then there is madness… it takes you where it pleases and it is a short route and you know it.. but submitting to madness is infact a wonderful… it takes away the pain.. till you die or repent.. which is the same thing… in almost all ways… Does it work for you when you are supposed to...