I woke up at 5 I think. I lay thinking. Thinking hard. It was kind of hysteria. I got up. Looked at "things to do" list, I always prepare, never follow. A weekend wasted, viral again, the same symptoms that allow me creativity did not this time. Was too afraid, fearful. So there I sat. I walked and paced thinking furiously. I needed that. Inevitable things come and they come inevitably. I mean, one always knew but never anticipated in such minute magnificent way. It could have been playing ghar-ghar. I was always the kind to soak up a lot of everything. I was the kind who had stay alone, making my own notes, and once in a while, sit down and revisit the entire collection of nostalgia. My plans which are unborn, still-born. My longings, untouched, unkempt. Then I decided to get all my papers in order. Everything was mish-mash. There was an entire history of my life for two years. The ideas, the desires, the hysteria was all pervading. And then I came across a notes print out. ...
formulating infinity within zero