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Raizada Heritage Fund and Pimping it!

Inspired by the Bombay lines which come to because of Bombay Rains.

"When its dry, you can fry
It rains and you walk in drains"

I am surprised why have I not been able to realize this fact. A fact that is infact, been staring at me with cold blue eyes. The true passion of modern Indian Generation seems not to be an innovator, a creator, a discoverer, an Ayn Rand person. Based on the happenings of late, as in the last Ten years, it seems so, it really seems so.

But I tell you, every time you want some work done like a passport, driving license, construction permission, company registration ... they suck every ounce of blood, so I ask why should I pay taxes honestly. Look at the shitty roads, shitty trains, shitty power supply, shitty water supply, shitty governance. With all my sagacity, sometime I want to rip a few and want to see the blood flow.

Lets begin. Starting from 1999, Kargil. The Coffin Scam. The Purchase Scam. The Admiral Gorshokov Scam. The IC 814 Debacle. and If I went this way, then it will go on and on and we would remember what we had forgotten. So lets not concentrate on this. Rather lets take the shining example -

The new reawakened Bhopal Gas .

Lets just think of the Stakeholders (Indians Only).

Union Carbide India Ltd : Indian Subsidiary, Producing what Union carbide was not allowed to produce in US. So essentially involved in production of that, not knowing what, how and when to do what.

Local Authorities (Regulatory) : if this exists, they were obviously napping after having gotten decent sums from UCIL and looking the other way, I am not even sure if they knew what was being produced and for what, using what process.

Local Authorities (Administrative) : Allowed Bastis to set up near a highly dangerous chemical factory. Unsure of how many died, suffered and so on and on. Basically No idea type people.

National Authorities : With the kind of efforts national authorities have shown in doing something about this verdict, throwing tax payer money at Bhopal Gas Victims. (it was obviously not going fromt heir pockets) They have not only shown the callousness, rather insensitivity of a professional.

Local Courts : Well, I guess the Judge should have read some chemistry books before pronouncing the verdict. I guess he was overawed by the Government Support to UCIL and Dow and others.

Supreme Court : basically they decided the settlement in 1989 with 470 million accepted and refusing to allow Union Carbide to be tried in US courts. Then Honorable Judge A N Ahmadi does the 304 A trick and everyone goes scot free. And He is made the Chairman of the Bhopal Gas Trust. Trust a jackal to save the dead. (Won't call him a tiger)

NGOs : basically plying their trade in others misery. Getting acclaim and what not. The number of pretenders are far more than the real ones.

Police : well they are mostly helpless morons who have neither the idea nor the courage. If things never happened, they had be happy.

CBI : Well what do I say about them. Not a single conviction in any financial case since 1979. Their inability to do good seems too good to be true. They are the doves, who refuse to see bad, do good and even try.

People of the Nation : Well it had be better to take a rash action and trample the parliament, rather than be silent mute spectator to the loot and rape of dead.

So now that we have seen the best of the Democracy : A government for the people, by the people, off the people.

So what so common about all the stakeholders in Bhopal Gas. The word Pimp.
Everyone has been able to "pimp" themselves off in a manner that had make the pimps ashamed. Each and everyone of the stakeholders has pimped the dead off.

In Conclusion, Indians deserve nothing better. Sell everything off. Outsource the Himalayas to Europe. Sell the Rivers to Middle East. Give the Animals to China. Anything and Everything that can be sold should be sold off. Pimp, Pimp and Pimp. Till all is left is Pimps.

And to those who say matters in life are gray, neither black nor white... An appearance of a Black Swan does not make other non-white, those who are white remain white. So does the complicity of the above in this crime does not absolve them of the sin. Should they not be tried here, for the simple fact of justice being meted out, I hope "fervently" for a God to exist.


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